December 2008 Podcast 53 Online

podcast53We recorded our December podcast on Saturday. Here’s  the first hour and a half. In the show we review Amazing Spider-Man# 576-578, give Christmas gift suggestions for the Spider-Fan, discuss Kevin’s Crawl Space#3 issue, start a new segment called this month in Spider-History and give our recommendations for the month. It’s a fun show and there is one more show coming out this month. In that show we tackle your message board questions. Click play below to listen to the show.


If you would like to download the mp3 directly click here. Also, if you’d like to subscribe to the show on itunes click here. Once you listen to the show, please leave your comments on this thread on the message board.

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  1. Hey, JR… did you know that James Hugh Calum Laurie’s real accent is British?

    Also, it’s kinda impressive that most of the shows follow a basic formula… and it’s still damn fun to watch!

    Last question… Does Dr. Cuddy get your motor running? You can tell me, I won’t tell your wife…

  2. Obviously not, you’ve never had a reason… but Kevin complimented me for all the world to hear… Now I am a MAN.

    My next plan is to take over this website, and send you more Chris Bachallo art, cause I know you love it so…

  3. *Sniff* Thank-you Gilbert! I greatly appreciate your kind words! I am also glad that I’m keeping up with the veterans!

  4. Thanks guys, and gal, for another highly entertaining podcast. It’s a shame that the comics are taking a bit of a pounding in the review section at the moment, but it is to your credit that you manage to produce a podcast that, on balance, still feels generally uplifting and positive. I think that Spider-Girl has added an essential ingredient to the mix of personalities. She comes across as charming, thoughtful and intelligent. It was good to have the full cast in attendance. I think, through accident or design, that you may have hit on a winning formula here, Brad. Thanks for all of your efforts; I sincerely appreciate it. Happy holidays to you all.

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