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  1. Joe Quesada: Here kid, take this Spider-Man doll and go to the local comic shops and say that new readers are enjoying BND.

  2. Spidey: I’ll ask you ONE more time… what did you do with those 3 girls pillow-fighting in the Spidey socks?

  3. Spidey: Don’t worry!! I’ve got him… drop the pistol, snacky!! *SMACK! SMACK!*

    Kid: It’s a water gun… AAAAGH!!!!

  4. I think its funny how the girl is looking at the kid like Spider-Man is real.

    Spidey: “Hey guys! I just found a wild kid outside! He has no clue whats going on!”

  5. “Mommy, Mommy! Look what I found! He was dancing down the street and tripped cause he couldn’t see on accounta his emo hairflip and now he’s unconscious…Can I keep him? Pretty please?”

  6. Spidey: Hey sorry kid, I’ve run out of webs and run out of money to boost, you don’t suppose you could give me a ride to Times Square could you?
    Kid: Ok but that’s 50$
    Spidey: What!

  7. Kid: Come on Spidey, get off.
    Spidey: Shut up and walk!
    Kid: I know you’re being taken over by the symbiote but geez.

  8. All I’m gonna say is… thank GOD that kid is riding him on his back… if he were facing the other way, it would be sooo wrong on sooo many levels…

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