Happy Thanksgiving!

We at the Crawl Space wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving, no matter the country, no matter the culture, no matter the age.  We also hope that you are able to spend it with the people that matter the most to you!  Be sure to give thanks!  And please, watch out for those bike messengers when going for that cranberry sauce.

Errr…and maybe leave the hunting to the professionals!

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Spider-Turkey Dance

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  1. Spider-juan, ya tofu-fartin left wing liberal environmentalist Obama clone! No offense…

  2. Side A:

    “I’m so PROUD of you!” said Mother Kravenoff, to her young son, Grigory, latest in the line of would-be Spider-killers. Ana Kravenoff is pleased, too, but with herself. Grigory’s teddy bear made it down the toilet with little difficulty.

    “Little Brat!” said Ana, under her breath.

    Side B:

    Dispensing with his magic helmet, Elmer Fudd tries a new schtick; hare-ry hi-jinks follow.

    Hidden track, played backwards:

    Belated: I hope you have traveled safely. I hope you have eaten well. And I hope you have brought and received in equal measure some happiness to where ever you were, near or far, this Thanksgiving.

    Now, let’s try to survive the tyranny of the upcoming Christmas shopping season…

  3. It is a shame that his father allowed him to pose in that way, hunting is not an sport is one of the worst human behaviours, finding fun in killing

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