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Secret Invasion #6 Review

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Secret Invasion: Spider-Man #2 Review

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  1. На Ваш сайт знакомый в аську ссылку кинул. Оказалось ,что не зря 🙂 Понравилось. Тепрь все время читать буду 🙂

  2. And Peter Parker continued his Spider-antics for years to come. However, after so long, it really just got lame.

  3. “Don’t drink the web fluid,” She says, “It’ll swell,” she says… Dang it, MJ, why do you always gotta be right…

  4. Spidey: Hellllllo, ladies!

    (Ladies bust out laughing and pointing…)

    Spidey: Swingin’ single my a**, Quesada…

  5. Bar Patron: Oh… oh god… is that… is that… CAMEL TOE?!?!?!

    Bar Patron#2: Naah, the seam splits the beer gut up the middle…

  6. “Hmmmm….maybe it WOULD be better if I was stuck at the age of 22 forever……..”

    “Damn, I’m not pulling any women tonight. I KNEW I shouldn’t have worn these shoes!”

    “A once proud newspaper editor, J Jonah Jameson in his later years fell into a pit of alcohol abuse and dementia.”

  7. how did I land the redhead AND swoon the Black Cat?

    Ask yourself… what self-respecting woman would pass up a piece of THIS?!?!

  8. ‘Keep em’ coming until Billy Parker stops harassing Kev Cushing’.

    Or if you didn’t like that one,

    ‘PARKER! Spider-Man’s gone fat and been ordering drinks none stop so get me pictures. By the way how come your so large all of a sudden?’

  9. HA,HA…very nice Enigma!

    “Just one more drink and till I wake up to a Brand New Day.”

    “Damn baby, once you go spider… never go back. ”

    “I’ve never slept with a ten, but have been with five, two’s. “

  10. Spider-gut
    looks as bloated as your

    granted, I’m no Adonis, but I know better than to try and squeeze into something that just screams “no.”

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