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Regge Spider-Man Theme

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  1. Feel free to write a review of the game on the mb. I bought the game at Best Buy, so no shirt but I got a concept book included in the game.

  2. BTW BD did you get the bad asss shirt gamestop was offering with purchase of the game?

  3. BD i played the game for 3 days and about 6 hours each day. i took the week off for this game so around 18 hours(you have to factor in my rate of failure) word of advice grab as many spidey tokens as you can because with the more you get the more upgraded your swinging speed is and makes life a lot simpler during some of the chase missions. i really hope you cover this in an upcoming podcast i think ur listeners would enjoy your insight. like i said in my previous post i absolutley love wthat they’ve done with this combat system it captures feel of being spider-man well i think. and graphically the game looks amazing.

    Enigma the combat system was overhauled for simplicity. basically the game is made for ANYONE who wants to pick up and play, but its diverse enouhg that it doesnt become stale with numerous combos that are mostly derived from the square button, but there are other combos available if you’re willing to make the attempt. and this game is MILES better than Spider-man 3 ( this game benefits from not having any movie ties) there are flaws this game isnt perect but it just a vast improvement of whats come b4.

    i will be writing a review for this game that will be up tuesday. if any readers are interested i will put a link on this message board with permission from BD.

  4. just answer me one question… is the combat as fun as it looks in the vids… and is it BETTER than Spider-Man 3… okay, TWO questions…

  5. How many hours did it take you to beat it? I just bought it Friday night and I just got to the Black Cat meeting. I too love the new moves. The graphics are awesome too!


  6. Okay i just beat this game and I LOVED IT!!!!!!ign EFFIN blows this reivew was GARBAGE. i would give the game a 7.5 yes it can be a little repetitive ut its not a bad game.the combat mechanics were a nicely done overhaul of what there was b4 and the swinging mechanics were PERFECTED this time around i love ultimate spidey and Spider-man 2 but this game is my new favorite i do wish there were more unlockables but this game was More than everything i hoped it would be. SHABA GAMES KICKS MAJOR ASS!

  7. I do not own this game, but the IGN review stating that is repetitive and has senseless violence should be recorded. Then they could use that line repeatedly on other reviews about the vast majority of video games on the market…hardly original.

  8. The review is total bunk. The game ROCKS. Is it “Halo 3”, “GTA4”, “Zelda Windwaker” – perfect? no, not nearly,
    but it’s the best Spider-Man game since Ultimate Spider-Man. My only real gripe is on the premise of the story…
    Venom infects New York with more symbiotes, willingly. Venom has NEVER endorsed the creation of more symbiotes!
    In fact, he tries to kill Toxin, Carnage, etc every chance he gets. Rather than having redsuit/black suit switching,
    the programmers should have made it spider-man/Venom switching, because that is what it is, honestly.
    Spider-Man never used tendrils or any of the real symbiote strengths when he had the suit, Venom discovered
    its true abilities. If they would have had it be spidey/venom switching, the game would be a “9” easy.
    Because of the red suit/black suit thing, and the “evil spidey” doing things WAAAY out of character (surprised it
    passed Marvel’s quality control), it gets a 7 from me.

    Oh, and IGN sucks… they continually badmouth Spider-Man: Friend or Foe. It’s a friggin’ kids game!!!! It’s supposed to
    be simple and repetitive! My 4 year old LOVES it! He gets ALL his favorites from the cartoon at his fingertips, and it’s
    a game we both can play together. Videogames SHOULD be about bringing families together.

  9. IGN is incredibly biased. They barely even review games, they just compare them. Not to mention they are all superficial jerks. If they don’t care for a game for some reason they trash it. Even in the gameplay, most of them suck at it, so they bash on the combat system. Whatever. Go to Game Trailers or GameSpot for more level reviews. :]

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