Amazing Spider Girl #21 Review

WHO’S THAT GIRL?! Is the Cover Blurb for this ish, the MC-2’s second chapter of the exciting tale that titanic Tom, Ravishing Ron, and Sly Sal could be the only ones to muster! Read on True Believer, as we go into….

Amazing Spider-Girl #21
Tom DeFalco
Artist: Ron Frenz
Inker: Sal Buscema
Story: Continuing from last issue, we get May with Gene, Peter attacking Normie, and the fight between up and coming Mutant: Nucleus! And on top of that, MOOSE! Come on everyone with me now: MOOOOOSE!

Fell Better? Good. Now onto the rest of the review.

Thoughts: My favorite part of this issue is the Anger between Peter and Normie, and his take-no-prisoners approach towards Clones. He hates the notion, because he had someone who was like his brother (who just happened to be said clone) taken away from him. He’s down right pissed off, and Normie, who mind you is sans powers, finally says that he loves May (whether or not that is a bf/gf love or brother sister love is still murky.) and if I do say so myself, the Panel of the YEAR! 2008 with Peter looking out the window at May walking down the street spoke volumes of the hurt

he is experiencing right now. We get more of the angsty tone with Sara and May, and the Goblin Queen is a added bonus. (YOU just can’t have a clone saga without a Osborn, Goblin, and most importantly, Clones.) And we even have a reference to Norman Osborn’s birth with Peter Parker this time.

We also get our first glimpse of Sara’s Alter Ego: Nucleus! And she falts flat. And We’ll see more of her in the coming months I’m sure, and we finally see Moose again, but he is anti Spider-Girl still and we’ll see if this plot thread develops further.

Overall an improvement over last ish.


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1 Comment

  1. I have now read ASG #1 and ASG # 21 (my first Spider-girl issues i have read) and I am hooked. I really want to know if Peter will become the next Goblin or something and can’t wait for the next issue.

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