Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #502 Review

Amazing Spider-Man #502 (#61)
Intermezzo Number Two- “You want PANTS with that”
Writers: J. Michael Straczynski
Penciler: John Romita Jr.
Inker: Scott Hanna
 We get another single-issue storyline this month.  This time, the story revolves around a New York tailor Leo Zelinsky.  He is no ordinary tailor, though, as he caters to superheroes and super villains alike.  While on the job assisting a new villain named Killshot, he overhears his client’s conversation in which he talks about the next job he is undertaking.  The job Killshot is talking about is the assassination of a district attorney.  Unable to sit quietly with this information, Leo finds Spider-Man and informs him about the plot.  Spider-Man intervenes and saves the day, but the villain escapes.  Killshot suspects his tailor squealed and goes after him.  Spider-Man is there ready for him and takes him down.  Leo then gives Spider-Man a plan for a new costume, the one future Spider-Man is wearing in issue #500.

  • Another great single-issue story by JMS.  This is a different kind of story, but effective either way.
  • There were SOME great comedic scenes, especially when Leo describes his work to Spidey.  I could just imagine a tailor trying to work with The Blob.
  • Another stellar artistic showing by John Romita Jr.


  • The opening scene fell extremely flat.  I hope to never see that waiter again.
  • Killshot was a lame villain.  He’s just an ordinary Joe with a scope gun.
  • Even though I like single-issue stories, I would rather have them spread out in between larger storylines, and not one right after another.

RATING: 3 and ˝ webheads out of 5.  Nothing of great importance happens, but it is a good story nonetheless

Reviewed by AC-WEB (Ariel Chaidez) 

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