Amazing Spider-Man #40
PLOT: Homeless recovering drug addict boys are going missing and Jenny, the homeless girl Peter Parker befriended a few issues ago, turns to him for help. May confronts JJJ about his coverage of Spider-Man and MJ prepares to visit NYC. Spider-Man discovers an ex-con who can dematerialize has been kidnapping the boys and taking them to some other dimension or space for an as of yet unknown reason.
LIKES: Straczynski has done wonders with May, really making her a well rounded character instead of the old bitty worry wart she’s usually been portrayed. Her tricking the yammering whacko off the elevator and remark about Peter’s make-up are great moments. Straczynski also makes better use of Peter’s teaching job leading to a Spider-Man adventure as he had in the past. This doesn’t have the afterschool special feel of the school shooter issue. The dialogue is great and it’s good to see Straczynski creating new advesaries instead of relying on the old and at times overuesed rouge gallery.. I espicailly liked the climax to the fight scene using the ricoheting garbage can lid to take down the loud mouth adversary. That’s classic Spidey using his brains as well as his brawn. By the way, Romita, Jr.’s artwork is fabulous as usual
DISLIKES: The bit with Aunt May going to the Bugle drags on a little too long.
RATING: 4½ out of 5 webheads-with the ‘Nuff Said issue and all the delays this good of a beginning of a new arc is especially welcome
HB 56
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