Amazing Spider-Man Vol II #24 (465)

Amazing Spider-Man #24
Plot: This “Maximum Security” tie-in concludes the three-part “The Distinguished Gentleman From New York” story begun in ASM #22. Spider-Man finds himself battling several alien races in this issue…the Z’Nox, the Badoon and even a member of the Aakon. He also has to stop a mutating politician (Senator Ward) from destroying the entire human race with an alien virus. Like I said a few issues ago, better him than me!
Likes: This was a pretty good issue. One of Mackie’s strong points is his frequent usage of villains from outside of Spidey’s Rogue’s Gallery, as this issue shows. This story shows (as many of Mackie’s have) that Spider-Man is truly a World Class Hero despite his humble demeanor and down-to-Earth sensibilities. It’s also a real treat to see Spidey as the Green Goblin fighting one of the alien Aakon. For the most part Romita’s art is as impressive as usual, too…especially a full page shot of Arthur imbedded into the Z’Nox’s virus machine.
Dislikes: Uh…on page three, Jill Stacy’s face is…well, gone. There is also a crazy scene where the Ranger tells Peter about the alien virus he is infected with, and Peter doesn’t believe him. I find it VERY difficult to believe that a man who once drank a serum that gave him four extra arms, a guy who watched the Beyonder destroy an entire galaxy, a guy who on three separate occasions teamed-up with an alien who looked like Donald Duck after a 20-year tax audit…a guy like that would be unable to accept the possibility that the huge red rash on his stomach is due to an alien virus!!!
Rating: Not a classic, but an enjoyable tale nonetheless.  webheads out of four.


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