Amazing Spider-Man Vol II #21 (462)

Amazing Spider-Man #21
Plot:  This issue concludes Mackie’s two-part Alistair Smythe story. Spidey has a real problem to deal with here…not only does he have to outfight Smythe’s newest and deadliest Spider-Slayer (while carrying his annoying boss in one arm), he also has to hunt down and destroy an entire army of Smythe’s mini-Slayers who are targeting his best friends at the same time!!! Better him than me.
Likes: Great action and great humor. There is a hilarious bathroom scene that you really have to see to believe.
Dislikes: The ending was definitely anti-climactic…Spidey just hits the big robot a whole bunch of times until it stops! Spidey is one of the most brilliant super-heroes in the Marvel Universe…he should be flexing his cerebellum as much as he flexes his muscles.  The other thing that bothered me a little was the fact that the whole Spidey-saves-JJJ thing has really been done to death. Heck, it had been done to death way back in 1977! Time for Marvel to stop rehashing the same basic plots from ASM #1-25 and break some creative new ground.
Rating: Still a great issue…great humor, great action and Spidey comes out on top in the end.  
 web-heads out of four.

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