Amazing Spider-Man # 9 (450) Review

Amazing Spider-Man # 9

Mackie and Byrne try to capitalize on the “chapter one” storyline to bring us this modern day story. Yeah right, as if “chapter one” was something to be proud of.
Evidently someone is killing off all the witnesses of that tragic science experiment that Peter Parker was at and got bit by a radioactive spider. Before that storyline happens, we have the standard Spidey story of him rescuing people out of a burning building fare. Been there, done that.
The MJ phone stalker continues and it seems the stalker was able to find out where MJ was staying during vacation. Hmmm, I wonder who knew that bit of info? The only one I can think of is Jill Stacey. There is a big debate breaking out in my message board concerning the persons id,so add your two cents there if you want.
I have to say Byrne’s penciling seemed a bit off. The pencils seemed rushed and there really wasn’t much excitement to them. This can also be attributed to Mackie’s less than thrilling script. This is average Spider-fare. So for that we give the infamous two out of four web heads. Perhaps Byrne’s pencils will get more attention now that “Chapter One” is almost over.

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