Amazing Spider-Man Vol II #1 (442) Review

Amazing Spider-Man Vol 2 # 1

Well, Byrne has an inker over his pencils and they look much better than Chapter One. This story opens with the Human Torch calling Spidey out of hiding. Spidey has really hung up the webs for months now and Pete is enjoying life .
He’s got a new snazzy apartment paid for by Mary Jane’s modeling career. Aunt May is back, where she should be, right at Peter’s side. And all seems to be well until a new Spider-Man shows up to thwart the newly costumed Scorpion.
The cons of the issue were the Scorpion’s new duds. Wow that’s the worst make-over I have ever seen. Jenny Jones wouldn’t be proud of this one. Another con was the backup story. Sure it was cute but out of place. If we have to pay for a double sized issue, I want double the story. Being in a generous mood, I’ll give Spidey 3 Spidey heads out of 4 on this one. Welcome back Peter we’ve missed you.

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Amazing Spider-Man Vol II #2 (443) Review

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