Spider-Man Cosplay #6! Featuring Mary Jane! (Sparky Cosplay)

Spider-Man Crawlspace

Greetings Crawlspacers!  Welcome to the seventh edition to Spider-Man Cosplay!  The article on the front page that deals with interviews that I conduct featuring people who cosplay in Spider-Man themed costumes.  If it’s Spidey-themed and love for the character I’ll find it and publish here right on the front page!!

This edition we have a cosplayer by the name of Sparky Cosplay who dressed up as …

So let’s get started! What drew you into Spider-Man and when was that? What does Spider-Man mean to you?
I grew up watching Spider-Man cartoons on tv as a kid. They came on the same block as X-Men! I also played the video games when I would visit my cousin. Spider-Man to me means hope, and he was a great character to watch grow up and mature.
Favorite Spidey writers and artists?
Ron Fenz and Todd McFarlane are the first two that come to mind!

Was there a favorite issue or story arc you like? Can you tell us why?
While it’s not a Spidey only arc, I adore Civil War. Peter has to make some tough calls. I also really love House of M.
Is there any merchandise you hold dear to you that represents your love for the character besides your Cosplay?
Yes! I have a few really small Spider-Man toys I got when I was a kid. Haha. I have them packed away until I buy a house.

Speaking of which, let’s get into that! Mary Jane is one of your spider themed cosplay. What was that like designing the costume and did the costume present any hurdles to you when making it. What drew you into cosplaying that character?
Mary Jane has always stood out to me. The first costume I ever did of her was for a fun shoot. It was something simple, but fun. At the time my first costume was very budget friendly haha. But it did take me a few hours to rehem the top and condition the wig. What helps me represent my love for MJ, besides wearing my costumes of her is my respect for the character and the role she plays throughout Spider-Man.
You suited up for the first time and ready to walk on out of the floor. What was that like and how did that feel?
I was very nervous. Not so much in the jeans and shirt, but, when I put an actual Spidey suit on for her, it was a bit nerve wracking. I was very excited though, and a lot of people loved it!
Sometimes a costume you cosplay as defines you, because you represent it so much. Has anyone ever called you “Mary Jane” or “MJ” while out of costume?Yes *laughs*. I get that quite often. Especially when I leave my wigs on after changing out of the costume. I love it!
Any cool stories you wish to share while dressing up and walking around as Mary Jane?
I don’t have any one memory yet for her, but one of my favorite parts about cosplaying her is the kids. The little Spider-Man costumers who get excited to pose with you, that’s what it’s all about! Spreading the love~

This is a Spider-Man site, but I’m sure people would like to know. What other cosplay costumes have you done?
I’ve done so many haha! But some of my more recent ones are 90s Rogue, Raven, and Supergirl. I also regularly cosplay as Mara Jade from Star Wars.

You don’t have to say Mary Jane, but which costume is your favorite to dress up as?
Honestly, Super Girl. I love to interact with kids as her. They ask so many interesting questions!

Have you ever considered dressing up as another spidey themed character?
Yes! I’m actually planning a Carnage costume!

Have you seen other Mary Jane cosplayers out there? Any favorites?
There are SO many lovely MJs out there! One of my favorites though is Ginger Oh Snap. I’ve never met her, but I love her content. She IS Mary Jane to me.

Have you visited the Spider-Man Crawlspace before? (This site)
Actually I have! I had been there a couple of times before.

Where can people find you online if they wanted to?
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

Thanks for doing this!! Pleasure to interview you.
It’s really awesome to have this interview with you all! Keep up the awesome work!

Photo Credits go to: Momo Clicks Photography, Tobious Photography, and Chris Auditore Photography



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  1. She seems very cool and does Mary Jane very well. I also loved how she is a fan of Ron Frenz and Todd McFarlane. I shared the article on Ron Frenz’s Facebook and he gave her article a big thumbs up.
    Great job Peter on these cosplayers. They’re awesome.

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