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Ultimate Spider-Man #48
– Part 2  

Written by Brian Michael Bendis

Pencilled by Mark Bagley

Inked by Art Thibert  

Reviewed by Nick Akrivos

The Plot  

Things are going from bad to worse fro our hero here.  Last issue ended with Peter being fired from the Daily Bugle, this issue, his situation gets worse.

First of all, Peter gets into an argument with J. Jonah Jameson about his sudden firing.  When Peter leaves, still jobless, it seems he isn’t the only one angry, and Joe ‘Robbie’ Robertson questions Jonah’s actions.  Furious, Peter decides to pay a visit to Wilson Fisk, who is , right now, involved in a meeting.  Suddenly, Spider-Man crashes into the window – not even scratching it – and barely manages to cling to the wall before he falls down to the street below.  Wilson , being the kind-hearted fellow he is, takes the opportunity to taunt Spider-Man, who quickly leaves.  Then, while in class, Peter gets into another argument, this time with one of his teachers.  With current events concerning the Kingpin and his own firing running rampant in his mind, Peter questions the moral structure of his society, right and wrong, and, after giving his teacher a pretty sound walloping, manages to get himself kicked out of school.  Bummer.  Later, peter talks to Aunt may about this, where he explains what happened.  This results in May calling Jonah again, and slamming him in a similar fashion to the way she did back in issue #8.

Meanwhile, Ben Urich is busy interviewing Sam Bullit, who, after Ben questions him about a picture hanging on the wall, gets rather annoyed.  The picture in question shows Sam, Walter Dini (the Kingpins lawyer/legal advisor) and  Wilson Fisk…all rather chummy.  What’s wrong with this you ask?  Well, Walter and Sam are in fact law partners, sp you can see there’s a now rather obvious connection between these guys.  When Ben asks Sam about this, Sam gets rather angry, and smashes Ben’s tape recorder.

Back at the Bugle, and Ben is telling Jonah all about the interview – especially the fact he had a back-up tape recorder.  The problem is that Jonah (and hence, the Bugle) are backing Sam Bullit as the next District Attorney, and it’s not going to look good if the same paper that is backing him then run an article about ties to the Kingpin of Crime.  Problems, problems, problems…


This story is really great.  It plays on Bendis’ strengths – character interaction and dialogue.  The argument between Peter and one of his teachers is a joy to watch unfold, as Peter fights hopelessly against a situation that isn’t going to let him win, no matter how illogical its arguments are.  Similarly, the opening scene with Peter and  Jonah is also wonderfully constructed, especially in the aftermath of the scene, where we again see the stark contrast between Jonah and Robbie Robertson, as Robbie is clearly against the firing of Peter.

May’s complete drilling of Jonah is great here.  It was brilliant that last time, and is just as funny here.  Likewise, Spider-Man crashing into the window of Wilson Fisk’s office and being squashed like a bird was hilarious.

Mark Bagley again does a wonderful job of drawing the issue.  With an issue that has little or no action – and action being something Bags is great at showing – he still makes the book a pleasure to look at, clearly expressing the emotions each character is going through.  


Although there was a distinct lack of action in this issue, that’s not something I’m about to complain about, because what we did get was superb.  All I can really say is that the last page was a trifle confusing, but even that was nothing major.


I’m going to go out on a limb here, and give this issue another full 5 webheads out of 5.  This story really is fantastic, and I’m looking forward how it will lead into the big fiftieth issue.

Ultimate Spider-Man #47  


Written by Brian Michael Bendis

Pencilled by Mark Bagley

Inked by Art Thibert  

Reviewed by Nick Akrivos  

The Plot  

That King is back!  Well, at least the Kingpin is.  The King is probably up in space with his alien pals somewhere.  Anyhow, down to the business at hand.  Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin of Crime, is back.  He’s been cleared of the charges against him (that Peter, as Spider-Man, brought to Ben Urich, back in the books second story-arc), and is returning to his empire.  One other thing:  he’s very, very angry at Spider-Man.

Meanwhile, Spidey is out on patrol, and runs into the Enforcers again.  He  thoroughly embarrasses them, naturally. 

Later, Peter finds out that one of the candidates for mayor (I think) is 100% against super-heroes, and J. Jonah Jameson is, of course, 100% behind him.  Not good.  Later, back home, Mary Jane has apparently taken a leaf out of the fans’ book and compiled a list of everyone who knows Peter’s secret identity.  Then, back to the Bugle, and Peter over-hears some more talking between Jonah and the new candidate.  He tries to reason with them, stating that Spider-man is one of the good guy, but…all this ends up doing is costing Peter his job.  Jonah’s fired him!  Ack!


‘Nother fantastic issue.  It looms like we may have a Born Again on our hands, here.  Ultimate Spidey style, of course.  It’ll be very interesting to see how Ben Urich reacts to this.  We see him with his head in his hands here, but no talking.  And Jonah fired Peter!  Man, Bendis is sure portraying him as more of a £$&% than usual.    It was fun to see the different reactions of the rest of the Bugle staff, too. 

And it’s nice to see Bendis addressing one of my (and many others) main concerns with the series.  And that, friends, is the rather long list of people who already know that a one Peter Parker is in fact the one and only Spider-Man.  I myself made a list back in the review of, I think, Ultimate Spider-Man #36, and since then…well, let’s bring that list up again, shall we?

Mary Jane.

Norman Osborn, the Green Goblin.

Harry Osborn.

Otto Octavious, Doctor Octopus.

The Kingpin, and we can only assume a lot of people under his payroll (much like he and Daredevil’s id in the Marvel Universe).

Nick Fury and, we must assume, everyone else at SHIELD.

The entire X-Men.

All of the Ultimates.

Eddie Brock.

Curt Connors, the Lizard.

Quite possibly Sandman, Kraven and Electro, if either Norman or Otto tell them in Ultimate Six.

And, if we are to go by Ultimate Marvel Team-Up, this bunch:

Doctor Strange and Wong.

The Fantastic Four (not the UMTU issue, which Bendis has said was a joke, but their appearance in Ultimate Spider-Man Super Special, which may also not count, depending on what happens in December’s Ultimate Fantastic Four).

And there may be people I’m forgetting about too.

Anyway, pretty long list, huh?  It’s good to see that Bendis has recognised this, and is playing on it, in a great scene with Peter and Mary Jane.  Once again, Bags’ and Art’s pencilling and inking are wonderful.  So, to summarise:  I loved this issue.  I cannot wait to see what Wilson is planning to do and what Peter is going to do (perhaps Aunt May will give Jonah a call like the last time – issue #8?  I forget).  


Again, very little to complain about.


5 webheads out of 5.  Superb issue and a promising start to the new story and the build to issue #50.

More Ultimate Spider-Man Reviews

Issues #42-47

Issues #37-41

Issue #32-36
Issue #27-31
Issue #22-26