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Black Cat & Wolverine: Claws #3 (out of 3)
Title: Claws Part 3 of 3
Writer: Jimmy Palmiotti & Justin Gray
Illustrator: Joe Linsner

Plot:  Arcade and his girl assistant thing they got away.  But much to their surprise, somehow Wolverine and Black Cat got on board their get away plane.  They listen then to the blanks between the end of Issue #2 and the start of #3 being filled.  After this they’re left on the Savage Island.  Things then jump to Logan treating Felicia to a nice fancy dinner.  All the while Felicia doesn’t let up with the wisecracks and such.  But she finally got him to smile.  Things end with Arcade’s girl assistant watching as the people on the savage island try to have Arcade for dinner…all because he called her stupid.


-         The Wolverine-gets-hurt and Black Cat-cracks-a-joke gags continue. 

-         The fact that they ended with a fancy dinner and nothing more.  Any other writer would have written them in bed…*Cough* Black Cat & Puma *Cough*…but this mini ends things on a nice and, again, hilarious note. 

-         I liked the whole jump-ahead-then-fill-in-the-blanks story telling in this issue.  It was rather interesting and handled well here. 

-         Seeing Arcade’s assistant get the last laugh…I found her funny for the little time we saw her. 

-         Having Emma talk to both Logan and Felicia while she helps them out with the jet fighters was a nice touch. 


-         Absolutely nothing 

Favorite Quote: Felicia:  “I had fun in the jungle…seriously.  I have to tell you…when that fish ate you, I so wished I had a video camera.”  Logan: “I’m glad you enjoyed watching me get roasted and eaten alive.” 

Rating: 5 out 5.  A great end to a great and hilarious mini! 

Reviewed by: Spidercraft

Black Cat & Wolverine: Claws #2 (out of 3)
Title: Claws Part 2 of 3
Writer: Jimmy Palmiotti & Justin Gray
Illustrator: Joe Linsner

Plot:  Wolverine and Black Cat escape, take down Karven, who is in fact an android made by Arcade.  The island starts to blow up; the two have to fight their way to get off.  All the while Wolverine is getting shot and blown up while Black Cat is cracking jokes at his expense.


-         Poor wolverine.  He keeps on getting arrowed, cooked, blown up, everything but the kitchen sink!  And it’s just plain HILARIOUS!  And all the while Felicia is cracking jokes at him.  I’m glad to be reminded that Spidey isn’t the only wisecracker in New York.  Chalk up for another thing the two have in common.

-         Felicia pointing out about Cats and water, and Logan reminding her that the island is blowing up being the only thing to get her in the water.  Priceless

-         Felicia with a gun…this I’m mixed about but, in the context of this story it’s alright.

-         Logan running through a mine field while Felicia does leaps through it.  The artwork on it was superb.

-         Using Arcade.  BRILLIANT!  Any time you have a story that uses random things like this one has…it’d be a crime NOT to use him!

-         Some could argue this, but I feel the story is moving at a nice smooth pace.  It is meant for 3 issues and it’s doing it in three issues!  Most do build up in the first two and rush in the last one.


-         I got my dislike of the costume out in the last issue.  Here, it’s not a problem once you get over it.  So other than that, nothing really bad.

Favorite Quote: Black Cat: “I changed my mind.  I’m ready to start swimming!”

Rating: 5 out of 5!  This serious is just plain fun!  It’s great!  And the use of Arcade is the perfect excuse to why things are so crazy.  And the interactions between Black Cat and Wolverine are stitches!  And who doesn’t enjoy seeing Wolverine getting hurt and heal back up!

Reviewed by: Spidercraft

Black Cat & Wolverine: Claws #1 (out of 3)
Title: Claws Part 1 of 3
Writer: Jimmy Palmiotti & Justin Gray
Illustrator: Joe Linsner

Plot:  Things open up with Black Cat almost getting a swing-by-smooching from her friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, but before he could get a chance, she turns the tables on him.  After a nice fun moments, she leaves him to go on a nice little jewel heist.  At that moment, Wolverine is having trouble getting through a metal detector at an airport (one of the problems of having an adamantium Skeleton) but gets through with help from his telepathic teammate Emma Frost.  Elsewhere, Black Cat’s jewel heist is going smoothly, as usual, but things take a turn for the worst when the gem is in fact a phony…a knock-out-gas-shooting-phony that…well…knocks her out.  At that same moment, Wolverine’s plain ride takes it’s own turn for the worst as it starts to crash.  Logan, being heroic, tries to take control of the plane but, wouldn’t you know it…the controls spit out the same knock out gas.  The plane crashes…naturally Wolverine survives.  He soon awakes in a cage next to Black Cat, also in a cage.  They seem to be stuck in a hunting game by a, some how alive, Kraven the Hunter the 1st (yes Felicia points out he should be dead).  The two manage to get away, arguing with each other along the way.  Things end when bullet-proof Logan peaks over their hiding spot and sees incoming missiles!  He is nice enough to get back down and cover Felicia’s ears before the blast hits

To be continued


-         The opening bit with Spider-man and Black Cat.  It was so cute and so in character and, most of all, so funny.  This scene reminds us how much the two care for each other but, above all else, how much fun the two have together.

-         In addition to the previous point, Spidey’s webbing a bit by accident when Black Cat got out of the way was priceless too!  It was just down right hilarious.

-         Wolverine at an airport going through a metal detector…sure this kind of thing was mentioned in Secret War but this is the first time we seen it really happening.  And the results are also hilarious.

-         The interaction between Felicia and Logan.  Aside from the near-kiss moment, it has been a barrel of laughs.  They are forced into a situation together, they already don’t like each other, but they have to get over it if they want to survive.

-         The ending panel!  Perfect and, again, hilarious, cliffhanger.

-         Aside from the costume (see the dislike point) the art was spectacular.  I’m on the fence about Cave-Man-like Wolverine but I find it just plain funny to look at.  Some how it’s just plain fitting.  And Felicia is drawn, again costume aside, sexy as usual.  Can’t argue with that!


-         I’m not too fond of Black Cat’s costume but this is a minor note.  It’s just this artist’s rendition of her costume.  I met Linsner once and he reminded me “She probably has a million costumes in her closet.  I’m just using one of them”.  Sure Billy Tucci is using the Dodson’s costume, but this one is just for the mini.

Favorite Quote: “Pull your mask down.  You’re Drooling.”  (Black Cat to Spider-man when she’s standing over him while he’s on his back)

Rating: 5 out of 5!  This was a great start to a great three issue mini!  It was Hilarious (how many times have I used that word LOL) and just plain fun.  Everyone was in character and the situation, while confusing at the moment, is just starting.

Reviewed by: Spidercraft
