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Spider-Man Blue 6: “All of me”
Script: Jeph Loeb
Pencils: Tim Sale
Inks: Steve Buccellato
Reviewed By: Groble
Story: Concluding this mini series looking in to the classic college years of both Peter Parker and Spider-Man, we have a finale worthy of the series. It’s Valentines Day and while, peter gets ready to choose his woman at tonight valentines party a mysterious adversary reviews footage of Spider-man in action. Just as the party gets going it is crashed by non other than Kraven the hunter, who mistakes Harry for Spiderman due to the aftershave of peters he borrowed. One thing leads to another and Harry is about to be hurled of a bridge by Kraven when Spidey swings in to save the day with the help of an assist from Norman Osborne. The story concludes in present day with a touching moment between MJ and peter, which shows the understanding that the both show with each other.
My 2 cents: A great finish to this story, which was high quality right the way through. The use of peters aftershave on Harry to confuse Kraven was classic Spidey and its good to see that even with all the shifts towards the modern “ultimate” style of comics, classics can still be produced like this with a good mix between action and character featuring the touching moments Spiderman is known for.
Rating: Classic Spidey though and through. 5 webheads out of 5

Spider-Man:Blue #5 
"If I had you”
Script: Jeph Loeb
Pencils: Tim Sale
Inks: Steve Buccellato
Reviewed By: Groble
Story: Continuing this reminiscent look into the college life of peter parker and spider-man we have issue 5. In which we say peter who has come down with a cold due to all this bad weather being waited on by both MJ and Gwen, much to the chagrin (that’s means annoyance) of Harry and flash. As usual the superhero life calls and peter has to leave his to lovely nursemaids to don his webs and duke it out with the vulture, who is fresh from a bank robbery. Needless to say Spidey triumphs but leaves a shred of his costume at the fight scene, which allows a shadowy figure to track him home
My 2 cents: yet again another issue with strong art reminiscing of the classic style of john Romita’s work in the golden era. The story is typical top notch Loeb showing a good parallel between the action sequences as Spidey and the touching relationship moments as Peter. Again though not much happens in this issue and it feels a bit thin for its $3.50 price tag even with the card stock cover
Rating: Good but by no means great. 3 ˝ webheads out of 5

Spider-Man: Blue #4- Autumn in New York

The Story: More MJ and Gwen, and the first Vulture #2!
The Good: Gwen and MJ are looking so great! It seems a lot of series are touching on both Gwen and MJ, Ultimate Spidey, AMZ, PP:SM, and maybe another...I can't remember. Anyway, the story itself was great, and Spidey just lying there on the ground...priceless.
The Bad: The Story went by rather fast...and there wasn't really MUCH in it.
The Rating: 3 out of 5...slipping guys...

Spider-Man: Blue #3-Anything Goes

The Story: Peter and MJ get close, and Gwen shows interest in Peter. The Lizard shows up, and Spidey gets to help him out! And Harry offers Pete to be his roommate in an apartment his dad has.
The Good: Jeph Loeb, and Tim Sale have done such great works together, and this IS one of them! The battle between Spidey and the Lizard was excellent, and MJ? HOO HA! This series is great for ANYONE who wasn't around for the original Amazing series that showcased these stories.
The Bad: To some dismay, they completely skipped the issue with the Shocker...but I guess it wasn't important.
The Rating: 4.5 out of 5

Spider-Man: Blue: Book Two: LET'S FALL IN LOVE
The Story:
I great part two for the series by Tim Sale and Jeph Loeb. This issue focused on Peter getting closer to Gwen Stacy, but ends with, well if you read the know. But if you didn't, the issue ended with Peter, ready for his date with Gwen, running down the stairs as the doorbell rings, and he finds that it is Mary Jane Watson...and all that he could think was probably...'WHOA'.
The Good: The series' artist, Tim Sale, has been doing a none stop great job. He has been doing a great job so far, I hope he is just getting warmed up! Yet again, the story was a master piece, retold, and what I loved in the beginning, was the classic Spidey reading the newspaper up-side-down in front of the street corner newsstand guy. But as not knowing about what actually DID happen in those original issue, I am still confused as to who this man following him around is. He doesn't really SEEM like any of the regulars from his Rogue Gallery. One other thing I liked in the issue was the all out slugfests with the Rhino, I ALWAYS love seeing Ol' Pete put the beat down on the Rhino.
The Bad: OK. As I was muttering on about in the "Good" section, who the heck is this guy following him around! I bugging the crap outta me! He doesn't look like anyone I've seen before, and he sure doesn't look to harmful. But maybe I'm wrong. Who knows. It maybe some guy I DO know but it doesn't LOOK like him. Oh well. But still, if that IS that guy's get up? It sucks.
The Rating: I give it a 3 out of 5 this time's not really 'SLIPPING' but it could try to do a bit better. At the look of things, it seems although next issue will be a good one!

Spider-Man: Blue:Book One: MY FUNNY VALENTINE
The Story: A great retelling of the love story between Gwen and Peter, as Peter tapes how it went down. It was put together by Jeph Loeb, and Tim Sale. The story began with the fight between Norman, and Peter, when they found out each other's identities, and the issue ended with the first time Mary Jane came around to see Peter, but he was out.
The Good
: This seems like a great book for ANYONE, but mostly I would refer this to Spider-Fan's who weren't around when Gwen was, like me. The artwork by Tim Sale was AMAZING (no pun intended), and the story was a great retelling. The way Sale drew Gwen, and Spider-Man, even the Goblin, it was great. And the way this story is told, and the way it began...Spidey, swinging to the bridge, and throwing  a rose into the water, and how this story is told as if Peter was tape recording it...
The Bad: I really didn't think this issue had anything really bad with it. It looks like a great start to the 6 part series of Spider-Man: Blue.
The Rating: I give it a 4 out of 5, I would give this thing a 5, but I'm not exactly sure if I want to give a 5 to anything yet. Maybe if the right issue comes around...witha great story...and great art.