X-Men: Smoke and Mirrors
Eluki Bes Shahar

Is that a cool cover by the Hildebrants or what? They sure can draw the Marvel heroes like no one else. This particular novel had several layers to it. On one front you had Rogue attempting to find a cure to her mutant power. Another plot element involved the U.S. Government tracking down a band of young new mutnats. The third plot element involved Wolverine tracking down a very cool new female Weapon X. Now when you have that many plots going, it's hard to devote much time to all of them. Unfortunatly the most intersting got the shaft.
In my opinion the Wolverine and Weapon X plot was the most interesting. This new character seemed so cool,yet wasn't in the book that much. Instead Shahar decided to devote most of the novel to these new mutants and them being tracked down. These new characters were fair and better than average throw away characters. The subplot that involved Rogue finding a cure from a "Sinister" doctor also should have been developed more.
I'm giving this book two out of four web heads. If the author would have expanded these two plot lines and deleted the new mutants, the book would have been much better recieved.