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Captain America : Liberty's Torch
Tony Isabella & Bob Ingersoll

This book really shined in the prose format. A comic book is limited to 22 pages, and there is only so much one can do and include a fist fight. Very rarely are the readers allowed to get inside the heroes head. The great thing about the Marvel novels and prose in general, is the writers freedom. The writer is allowed to set up scenes and watch them play out. Reading Isabella and Ingersoll play was fun indeed.
The setup of this novel involved a mystery writer researching the dealings of a militia group by the name of Liberty's Torch. The writer came a little too close and was murdered by the militia's hit-men. The writer however was a friend of Cap's, mistake number one.
The militia then kidnaps Cap, and holds him and tries in their own court. The charge being treason to the United States. The proceedings are then broadcast for all the world to see on a "Inside Edition" type show.
Cap's lawyer is a fellow by the name of Mark Gruenwald. A great tribute by the writers to this deceased writer who wrote the Captain America comic for many years. Mike Zeck even got to pencil Gru on one of the chapter headings. Good work gents.
The only fault I could find with this novel was the back story of the Falcon. The book was divided with Falcon chapters and Cap chapters. In my opinion the Falcon chapters slowed down the main story. And I would have loved to see more of the courtroom with Cap testifying against the militia. Overall, I recommend this book and I give it three and a half web heads out of four. Cut back on the Falcon and you've got a perfect reading.