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Spider-Man: Goblins Revenge 
Dean Wesley Smith

Generally it's not a good idea for the reader to know the "hook" after the first few chapters. But never the less I did. How could you not. This book was written way before this whole Norman Osborne/Green Goblin mess started in the regular title. The plot involves Spidey tracking down a mysterious Green Goblin that is flying around town. Adding to the mystery is the spotting of Norman Osborne. Never the less after that, "there's no way they'd bring back Norman" thought, I then realized it had to be the Chameleon. I guessed this after chapter 2 or 3. What a let down when I was right, and they didn't throw any types of curve balls at me. It's elementary my dear author!
For those Carnage fans out there, there is plenty of him in here. This book is a sort of sequel to the Carnage in New York storyline. This book would of gotten 3 Spidey heads if I hadn't been so let down by figuring out the ending so early on. So 2 out of 4 on this novel.