Spider-Man: Carnage in New York
David Michelinie and Dean Wesley Smith

Julie Bell did that excelent cover your looking at and its fantastic. If your a Carnage fan, and I know a lot of your are, this is your book. Personally I find the character to be a clone of the original Venom. Whoops I said the "C" word. Oh man this review sure won't be taken seriously now!
The plot of the book is pretty much summed up by it's title. Carnage is transfered from jail to a lab for doctors to try to remove his living costume. Here's a hint guys, if a prisoner is ever transfered to a lab, the odds are very good that he's going to escape. Carnage did just that, and it's up to our man with the wonderous webs to stop him.
This novel was written back in 1995 before the Aunt May fiasco and her death and ressurection. She has a neat role in this book and she's a welcome character to teh novle. Evidently she is having trouble paying the martage and it's up to Pete and MJ to help her.
The only problem I had with the book was its length. The book was a really quick read adn only came in at 245 pages. The print was very large so it was easy to plow right through. I infact read this whole book in an afternoon. If authors Michelinie and Smith would have added more elements besides just Carnage causing mass destruction this would have been even more entertaining. Otherwise this was a little above average book , so it's getting two and a half web heads.