X-Men/Avengers: Gamma Quest Trilogy
Greg Cox

Plot: The novels start off with two X-men, Rogue and Wolverine, and the Avenger Scarlet Witch being abducted. The two teams then go about trying to get clues how to rescue the three members. Both come to the conclusion that gamma radiation was at the scenes of the crime and both teams suspect the Incredible Hulk. Who isn't in a very good mood since his wife recently died.
We are then introdcued to the real villian behind the abduction. It's none other than the pointed head Hulk villian named the Leader.
A sub-plot involves fake members of the X-Men and the Hulk infiltrating the SHIELD helicarrior and the research facility of Moir Island.

Likes: This book is just non-stop with action. Cox has a wonderful pacing through out the two novels and juggles all the many characters perfectly. One outstanding scene involved the X-Men and Avengers battling the Hulk at Niagra Falls. The Hulk gives the Vision a new meaning of a computer crash.
Also if your a Hulk fan and miss the Hulk being written well, then this is your book. No one has come this close to Peter David's calibur since he left.
Dislikes: There isn't much to dislike about the two books. The only grievance is that the third book hasn't been publish due to legal battles between Marvel and Byron Priess. Also it seemed a bit weak to have Rogue and the Scarlet Witch taken out by possed T-shirts and puppets. But the writing by Cox somehow makes this enjoyable.
Rating: This is by far the best X-Men and Avengers novels ever made. I'm giving out three and a half web heads out of four. A very enjoyable romp through these two very popular teams. Highly recommended!


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