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Brad Douglas--Webmaster's Origin

Imagine this as a movie script.

A tight close up shot of fingers clicking on a keyboard. Pull out to reveal mild mannered journalist Brad Douglas typing away at his computer. He has been clicking away posting on some OTHER Spider-Man message board.

Cut to:
Brad reaches to sip on his beverage of choice, a freshly chilled Mountain Dew. As Brad sips on the dew he hears outside his window that a storm is approaching.

Cut to:
 Close ups of his computer desk. Papers are laid everywhere. It's a total mess, so messy in fact that cobwebs and spiders  have begun to form around his tower and monitor.

Cut to:
 A big lightning storm brewing outside. A giant bolt hits the telephone line and begins to surge through the phone lines.

Cut to:
Brad dropping his chilled beverage on his keyboard and mouse.

Audio up:
A giant surge of electricity surges through Brad's computer mouse, keyboard and the spider that has gathered around his computer.

Cut to:
Brad screaming as the spider jumps on Brad's hand which is stuck to his mouse because of the sticky carbonated beverage us mere mortals call Mountain Dew.

As if possessed, Brad them becomes one with his computer.  So connected that  they form a plan to develop a website for geeks just like him, AKA  Mountain Dew loving Spider-fans.

Announcer reads.....
This script will be available in hardback, trade paperback, Marvel essentials format, Marvel Masterworks format, DVD, VHS, laserdisc, Beta, 3/4 inch tape and any other format. Of course this origin could be re-written by John Byrne in 10 years.

Brad Douglas--WEBMASTER!!!!!!!!