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PLOT: Peter and Mary Jane meet at the set of her movie for a talk. Doctor Octopus confronts Carlyle at the hotel he's staying. Peter's talk with MJ doesn't go well and upon hearing news of the battle he leaves Aunt May at the studio cafeteria to join the fray.
LIKES: Strong dialogue. Strong art. The usual since JMS took over this title. "The Amazing Lobster Man" is a funny bit. The scene of Peter leaving Aunt May to go off as Spider-Man is very effective. Ock's helping Spidey to save the innocent people from the hotel's wall collapse is a nice turn.
DISLIKES: Romita, Jr. really needs to work on his MJ. At least half of the facial expressions are way off. Straczynski made Rick Turk, MJ's co-star, such a transparent jerk that's it's unbelievable MJ what be so effected by what he says about the psychological profile of a super-hero's girl friend. Most of the issue is run of the mill fight scenes and we all know what's going to happen when Carlyle arrives at the nearby movie studio.
RATING 2½ webheads out of 5. All in all just OK making it one of the weakest of Straczynski's issues.

PLOT: Straczynski finally uses a villian from Spider-Man's massive rogue's gallery and introduces a new one to boot. The repercussions of Peter's failure last issue to meet Mary Jane at the airport as planned are explored. Doc Ock is the old time baddie and a corporate raider named Carlyle is the new one. Carlyle is now down on his luck and sees the technology behind Dr. Octopus' powers as his way out.
LIKES: Peter's new relationship with Aunt May continues to enlighten and entertain and it's great to have M ary Jane back. Let's hope they keep around this time. John Romita, Jr. delivers his usual excellent work and like his father in the late Sixties is the Spider-Man artist of the moment. Even in a business suit his Doc Ock is menacing instead of frumpy as he is portrayed by many other artists.
DISLIKES: I have a hard time that Carlyle would want Ock's powers just to rob banks. The humor is too forced in the scene at the airport with Peter and Aunt May. One area Romita, weak is his take on MJ. Most of the time he makes her too young looking and much too skinny. He doesn't even get her face quite right until the last page.
RATING: 3 out of 5 webheads. Even not at his best JMS is still head and shoulders over what has come before since the reboot.

PLOT: Dr. Strange helps Spidey get to the Astral Plane where he can battle the Shade and try to rescue the the abducted homeless children. Meanwhile Peter Parker is to meet Mary Jane at the airport where her flight has a layover.
LIKES: Straczynski's dialogue is super sharp as usual. The scene with Spider-Man jabbering a mile a minute with a stoic Dr. Strange is a jem. As with the climax of the Morlun arc JMS lets Spidey use his brains to prevail showing he "gets" an important element of the character. Too many times in Volume 2 all Spidey did was try to outslug everyone he came up against. Romita, Jr.'s artwork is terrific, especially on the glossy paper.
DISLIKES: While the ending tugs at the heart strings, who didn't see tha coming a mile away? Spidey's little detour in the Astral Plane was a bit of unnessecary mumbo-jumbo that I hope doesn't foreshawdow any bizarrness JMS has planned.
RATING: 4 out of 5 webheads

Spider-Man tracks down leads trying to find the identity of the mysterious Shade who has been kidnapping homeless boys. This takes him to a police lieutenant, a mentally unbalanced convict and a finally to a mystical friend. Oh, and last issue we saw someone lurking in the shadows as Spider-Man investigated the disappearances. Here he lurks again and the mystery deepens as we find it is the occult book shop owner who was aparently shot to death by the convict Spidey visits.
LIKES: This issue brims with sharp, sometimes hilarious dialogue. Starting with Spider-Man's own thoughts going through his talks with Jenny, Lt. Lamont, Aunt May and back with Lamont in the prison mental ward. The return of the Spider signal was welcome as was the deepening of Aunt May's reaction to discovering Peter's secret identity. It's good to see that she hasn't accepted it as easily as it seemed. Romita, Jr. turns in the usual terrific artwork. I got a real kick out of the plot turn on the last page.
DISLIKES: I'm not going to nit pick the story just to find something wrong. One personal dislike in general I have is of these poster type covers Marvel now favors in most of their books. While the images are very good and sometimes striking I like covers which reflect something about the story inside.
RATING: 4½ out of 5 webheads: JMS has really hit stride and settled into this book.

Amazing Spider-Man #40
PLOT: Homeless recovering drug addict boys are going missing and Jenny, the homeless girl Peter Parker befriended a few issues ago, turns to him for help. May confronts JJJ about his coverage of Spider-Man and MJ prepares to visit NYC. Spider-Man discovers an ex-con who can dematerialize has been kidnapping the boys and taking them to some other dimension or space for an as of yet unknown reason.
LIKES: Straczynski has done wonders with May, really making her a well rounded character instead of the old bitty worry wart she's usually been portrayed. Her tricking the yammering whacko off the elevator and remark about Peter's make-up are great moments. Straczynski also makes better use of Peter's teaching job leading to a Spider-Man adventure as he had in the past. This doesn't have the afterschool special feel of the school shooter issue. The dialogue is great and it's good to see Straczynski creating new advesaries instead of relying on the old and at times overuesed rouge gallery.. I espicailly liked the climax to the fight scene using the ricoheting garbage can lid to take down the loud mouth adversary. That's classic Spidey using his brains as well as his brawn. By the way, Romita, Jr.'s artwork is fabulous as usual
DISLIKES: The bit with Aunt May going to the Bugle drags on a little too long.
RATING: 4½ out of 5 webheads-with the 'Nuff Said issue and all the delays this good of a beginning of a new arc is especially welcome

More Reviews:
Amazing Spider-Man#35-39

Amazing Spider-Man#28-34

Amazing Spider-Man #19-27

Amazing Spider-Man #13-18

Amazing Spider-Man # 1-12